Your personal right to freedom ends when your decisions impact other people. For example, you aren't free to just pick something if it clearly belongs to someone else, just like you aren't free to use physical violence to get what you want from another person. Those...
Month: August 2020
Month: August 2020
Could your medication lead to a DUI charge?
If you’re like most older Americans, you’re probably on a couple of different prescriptions. In fact, it’s estimated that about 75% of adults 50 years of age and older take at least one or two kinds of prescription medication -- and the percentage gets higher as...
You can’t trust an eyewitness
An impartial witness who watched a crime take place should be able to give an accurate account of what happened, right? They were not involved, so they have nothing to gain and nothing to lose. They were simply watching for at least part of the time, and they can...