Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated? I Can Defend You.
Not everyone who is arrested is actually guilty of driving intoxicated. In many defense cases, it is essential to attack the opinion of the officer that the driver was driving intoxicated in the first place.
At The Law Offices of James Angelino, I am ready to refute the evidence and defend you from driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges. I, James Angelino, spent over seven years as a Dallas Police Officer and a total of 19 years as a Certified Texas Peace Officer. I understand the other side’s perspective, and I can help you counter their arguments.
Field Sobriety Tests Are Unreliable
An officer’s opinion on whether a person is legally intoxicated is based on what he hears and sees at the scene of the stop. The officer has no information about the driver’s true physical and mental abilities, and unless the driver made some admission, he or she doesn’t know how much alcohol the driver drank.
Unless a driver is drunk enough to suddenly fall down during the stop, the officer must draw conclusions by giving field sobriety tests. Although somewhat helpful, these tests have flaws, and they do not mean necessarily that the accused is driving while intoxicated. Even the organization that created these tests recognizes that they are not foolproof.
The tests are scored by police officers, whose perception, interpretation and bias are used in determining the arrest decision. Unless the field tests are given in the standardized, prescribed manner, it could affect the validity of the results. Unfortunately, a vast majority of the officers do not know how to perform these tests correctly or don’t know the proper way to interpret the results.
Read about the 6 Most Common DWI Defenses to discover ways I have helped clients in the past.
I Work To Prevent The Potential Penalties
The ramifications for a DWI conviction are extremely harsh. First of all, it is the only misdemeanor offense that you cannot get deferred adjudication on. If convicted, the conviction will be on your record forever and can be used to enhance your punishment on any future DWI.
Secondly, you may have to have an ignition interlock on your vehicle for all or part of the term of your probation. Your license can also be suspended, and you could face mandatory days in jail.
- DWI 1st: Class B Misdemeanor: Punishable from three to 180 days in the county jail and up to a $2,000 fine.
- DWI 2nd: Class A Misdemeanor: Punishable from five to one year in the county jail and up to a $4,000 fine. If you receive probation, you must do three days in jail and have an ignition interlock on your vehicle for at least half the term of probation.
- DWI 3rd or More: 3rd Degree Felony: Punishable from two to 10 years in the Texas Department of Corrections and up to a $10,000 fine. If you receive probation, you must do 10 days in jail and have an ignition interlock on your vehicle.
With all these possible ramifications for a DWI conviction, why not hire an attorney who has taught police officers and prosecutors about DWI? I, James Angelino, am one of the few defense attorneys who is actually certified by the state of Texas in the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Battery. I can help you contest your license suspension or defend the driving privileges you need for your job.
Highly Qualified To Represent You
I have a unique background that I can use for your benefit, including the following.
- I spent over seven years as a Dallas police officer and a total of 19 years as a certified Texas peace officer.
- I hold a Masters TCLEOSE certification.
- I am certified by the state of Texas in Standardized Field Sobriety Tests.
- I spent 11 years in the Denton County district attorney’s office.
- I created and became the Chief of the Denton County DWI Prosecution Unit.
- During my seven years as Chief of the DWI Prosecution Unit, I was one of a handful of experts on intoxication offenses for the state.
- I have lectured all over the country on topics such as cross-examination, Standard Field Sobriety Tests and intoxication manslaughter.
- I have provided hundreds of hours of advanced training to law enforcement.
- I have tried over 200 jury trials and has handled over a thousand intoxication offense cases.
I have personally handled every phase of a DWI case, from arrest all the way to trial. Let my vast expertise and knowledge about intoxication offenses work to get you the best possible result. Call 214-310-9196 or email me for a free consultation today.