THC Waxes and Oils

Charged With A THC Crime In Texas? I Can Help.

Waxes and oils derived from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are a growing concern for law enforcement officials in Texas. If you have been charged with possessing or distributing THC products, it is important to consult with an experienced drug crime defense lawyer as soon as possible.

At The Law Offices of James Angelino in Frisco, I have extensive experience defending clients against drug crime charges in Denton, Collin and Dallas counties and throughout surrounding Texas communities. As a former prosecutor and police officer, I understand criminal law from multiple perspectives. I will do everything in my power to protect your rights and your future in this critical legal matter.

Avoid Harsh Penalties

Penalties for possessing, distributing or manufacturing THC waxes and oils are harsh. Depending upon the severity of the crime, the amount of the substance in question and other factors, you could face thousands of dollars in fines, probation and even a lengthy prison sentence.

With an experienced defense lawyer on your side, you can give yourself the best possible chance of avoiding such penalties.

Bought Legally Out Of State? It Doesn’t Matter.

Remember, a substance’s legality in another state has no bearing on how that substance is treated in Texas. Anyone who legally buys THC waxes or oils or other marijuana-derived products out of state can be charged with a serious drug crime for possessing or selling those substances in Texas.

Talk With An Experienced Defense Lawyer Today

Before making any statements to police, talk with your own lawyer. Anything you say, even a seemingly innocent statement, could derail your future. I have extensive experience in this legal area and can help you make the right decisions going forward. To learn more or to schedule a free legal consultation with a knowledgeable Texas drug crime defense lawyer, contact my law office online or by telephone at 214-310-9196.